A grading scheme can be attached to your course to show students if they received an A, B, C, D, or F. This is crucial when sending Early Alert / Midterm grades from Canvas to Banner. For assistance setting up the gradebook in Canvas, please contact Biggio Tech at bighelp@auburn.edu or book time with a member of Biggio Tech.
Auburn provides two common grading schemes you can use, but feel free to customize them to your preference. For example, if desired, you can adjust an A to start at 89.5.
For more help setting up your gradebook in Canvas, please visit Help to set up the grading scheme.
If you prefer not to rely on Canvas to calculate grades or want students to calculate them independently, you can turn off the Assignment Group totals and the overall grade Total. Students will see each assignment score, but Canvas will not display any calculations. This is useful throughout the semester if scores are not completely accurate until the end. Under More Options in course Settings, you can hide the grade distribution to prevent students from seeing the averages.
For more help hiding your grade totals in Canvas, please visit Help to hide your totals.
If it takes a while to grade a particular assignment and you don’t want some students to see their grades before others, you can mute the assignment. This allows you to enter grades without students receiving notifications. Students will only see an icon indicating that the instructor is working on the grades.
For more help with muting assignments in Canvas, please visit Help on muting assignments.
Once muted, your students will see a notification that you’re working on their grade.
If you have many students and need to assign a default grade for an assignment, such as giving all students a bonus or entering 0s for those who missed an assignment, you can set a default grade. Enter your grades, then set the default grade to fill in the gaps. Note: Ensure you do not check the “overwrite grade” box; it will replace all grades with the default value.
For more help setting a default grade in Canvas, please visit Help on setting a default grade.
Canvas ignores an assignment until a grade is entered. Although the “Treat Ungraded as 0s” option is reflected in your gradebook, it does not affect student grades. You must enter a 0 manually or use the “set default grade” feature.
For more help using the gradebook in Canvas, please visit How do I use the Gradebook.
If you have any questions, please email bighelp@auburn.edu or book time with a member of Biggio Tech.