Why are there “Inactive” Students in your Canvas Course?
Inactive students have registered for your course but have since dropped the course after the 15th class day of each semester.
After the 15th class day of each semester, students who drop or withdraw from courses will be shown as “inactive.” OIT will change a setting in Ellucian’s Intelligent Learning Platform (ILP), the connection between Banner and Canvas, to retain withdrawn student records and “last activity” dates within a Canvas course. Previously, when students dropped a course, they were removed from Canvas completely, removing the grades, submissions, and all interactions. Now, withdrawn students are marked “Inactive” in Canvas, which allows teachers to access student grades after they drop.
Things to note about Inactive students:
- It does not reflect every student who has dropped your course. It will only reflect those who drop or withdraw after the 15th class day each semester.
- Students who withdraw between the 15th class day and the last day to withdraw without a grade penalty will remain inactive in Canvas and show in Banner with a “W” assigned.
- Previously submitted assignments from inactive students can be accessed in Assignments and SpeedGrader.
- Inactive students in your Canvas class cannot:
- Receive assignment comments or view grades.
- Access Canvas course content.
- View the name of your class in their Canvas Courses list or see a course card in the Canvas Dashboard.
- Be sent or receive messages through any messaging option in Canvas.
- Be added to any groups in a course. If the student was already in a group when they withdrew from the course, the student no longer has access to the group; other students in the group cannot view inactive students on the group People page.
- Inactive students do not show by default in your Canvas grade book. To display them, go to Grades, open the Student Name menu, and from the drop-down, select Show Inactive.