How to Close a Change Request

How to Close a Change Request

NOTE: For the sake of this knowledge article's task, we are assuming the change has been created, approved by the manager, approved by CAB, and entered in the Implementation State. 

  1. From the Change Request record
    1. Notice the following
      1. The State is Implement
      2. A Close button is now available in the action ribbon.
      3. On the "Step 4: Implement" tab, the Actual Start is populated.
      4. On the "Closure Information" tab, the Close Code and Notes are no longer read-only.

        Change request screenshot in the implementation state

    2. After you have completed the tasks required to complete the change
      1. Open the Closure Information tab.
      2. Select the appropriate Close Code
      3. Enter the Notes for the Change
        (NOTE: Close Code and Notes are required. If you try to close the change without completing these fields, you will receive a warning.)

      4. Click the Close button to complete the Change Request and close the process.

        Change request in closed state