Microsoft MFA: Frequently Asked Questions

Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a requirement for Alumni and Retiree Email Accounts.  This requirement enhances security on Auburn email and helps to protect user accounts and information.


What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a process where a user is prompted during sign-in for an additional form of identification, such as a phone call, text, or push notification.


With Microsoft MFA, users can choose their preferred authentication method among the following three options: 1) by receiving a push notification through the Microsoft Authenticator App, 2) by receiving a text message on their personal device, or 3) by receiving a phone call on their personal device.


This article provides frequently asked questions associated with the MFA process. For additional instructions on setting up each authentication method, please see the MFA Overview Knowledge Base Article.


To access your email, the Outlook App is recommended.  The Outlook App can be downloaded from the App Store or the Google Play Store, depending on your device. Alumni and Retirees can also log into their email accounts using an internet browser to navigate to


After you have registered for Microsoft MFA, please read our Email Overview Knowledge Base Article for information on accessing your email account via the Outlook app or the web.


Microsoft MFA: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I have an Auburn Alumni email account?

2. I am an Auburn Retiree, but which authentication should I be using?

3. I am signed into my Auburn email account, but I don't remember the password or how to sign in.

4. What if I already signed up for MFA before Auburn required it? When I sign in, it says I am already registered.

5. I signed up for MFA before this requirement, but I no longer have that authentication device.

6. I have an iPhone and already have my email set up on the device. What do I do?

7. I have an Android device and already have my email set up on the device. What do I do?

8. How do I use MFA and travel internationally?

9. I have an up-to-date Chromebook and cannot locate the Outlook app.

10. How often will I have to re-authenticate?

If you are still experiencing issues with your Auburn email and MFA:

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