Sponsored and Temporary WiFi Accounts



Sponsored Accounts

Sponsored Accounts are available for individuals who need computing access but are not otherwise eligible as an employee, student, or contracted agent. These users must be sponsored by a university department, and there must be a direct relationship to the university's academic mission or business function. Alumni and/or employee spouses or dependents not directly involved in the university mission are not eligible.


To obtain a sponsored account, the sponsored individual must first be entered into the university system by Onboarding Center Services. Onboarding Center Services can be contacted at (334) 844-4386 or employeeID@auburn.edu. Once that has been done, any other access needed should be requested through the sponsoring department's Administrative Computing Coordinator.

For additional information, please contact the OIT Accounts Administrator at account@auburn.edu.

Once an individual has the credentials for a sponsored account, they can access AU_WiFi, MyAccount, and additional AU resources as requested.

Temporary Account Request

Temporary Accounts are nonrenewable OIT accounts that allow short-term access to only Auburn's wireless network and OIT computing labs for vendors and other individuals having official business at Auburn University for a period not to exceed 30 days. Additionally, a temporary guest WiFi account can only be accessed by 50 individuals at a time. Full-time employees can create two types of temporary WiFi accounts: immediate wireless access and computer lab wireless access. Temporary accounts work only on the wireless network SSID: AU_Open


For more information on creating and managing temporary WiFi accounts, navigate to the Sponsored & Temp Accounts page or refer to the instructions below. There is also a corresponding instructional video that demonstrates how to create and manage temporary WiFi accounts. 


Creating a Temporary Account for Immediate Wireless Access (Visitor Account)


1. From the OIT Homepage, search for and select the "Sponsored & Temp Accounts" catalog item. (You can also directly access the request form at aub.ie/tga.)

Sponsored and Temp Accounts Catalog Item


2. This will bring up the Sponsored & Temp Accounts catalog page. Click on the "Temporary Account Request Form" button. 

Temporary Account Request Form button


3. Click on the "Request Immediate Wireless Access" WiFi icon on the left. You may be prompted to login with your Auburn credentials (username only and password).

Request Immediate Wireless Access screen


4. Click on "Create Multiple Guest Accounts" from the Guest Manager screen.

Create Multiple Guest Accounts screen


5. Select when the account should expire from the drop-down options, and click "Create Account". Temporary WiFi accounts can only be requested up to a 30-day duration.

Account expiration and create account screen


6. Next, you will see the "Finished Creating Guest Accounts" screen. The username and password to temporarily access WiFi on AU_Open can be found on this screen.

Finished creating guest accounts screen


Creating a Computer Lab & Wireless Account


1. From the Temporary Account Request Form (aub.ie/tga), click the "Request Computer Lab & Wireless Access" WiFi and computer icon on the right.

Computer Lab Wireless Account screen

2. Enter the name of the person who will be using the temporary account and select how many days this account will be active (30-day maximum duration). Click "Submit". As a full-time employee, you accept responsibility for any violations of the IT policies associated with this account.

Computer Lab Wireless Account screen

3. You will see the contact information for the account you just created, and you should receive an email containing the same information.


Managing a Temporary WiFi Account


1. Once a temporary WiFi account has been created, you can manage the account. From the Sponsored & Temp Accounts page, click on the "Temporary Account Request" button. (You can also directly access the temporary accounts page at aub.ie/tga.)

Sponsored and Temp Accounts Page

2. Click on "Request Immediate Wireless Access" and it will direct you to the main Guest Manager - Guest Account Management screen. 

Request Immediate Wireless Access screen

You can access any guest accounts you've created by clicking on the "Manage Guest Accounts" option.

Managing Guest Accounts screen

3. Any active accounts you have created will populate to the list. Click on the account to manage various options.

Managing Temporary Guest Accounts

4. You will see various options such as reset password, change expiration date, and remove (disable) the temporary account. By clicking Edit, you can edit aspects of the account like guest's name, username, activation length, expiration, password and add any needed notes. You can see any active sessions for accounts, and you can print the account details.

Managing temporary guest accounts screen