What is an aub.ie link?
aub.ie is Auburn University's Official Short URL Generator.
If you have a long URL or one that isn’t easy to remember, you can use aub.ie to create a shortcut to it. For example, if you have trouble remembering the address of the Auburn Creed's webpage, we created aub.ie/creed. Anyone with a valid Auburn University username/password can create an aub.ie shortcut, but anyone can use aub.ie shortcuts and QR codes.
aub.ie features:
- Free for professional or personal use
- Only active Auburn users with a multi-factor authenticated Auburn account can create an aub.ie shortcut
- Random shortcuts (perfect for Twitter) or custom shortcuts (easy to share)
- QR codes for each shortcut (great for printed media)
- Additional admins can be set for each shortcut
- Analytics for each shortcut, including number of hits (total/QR), referring sites, and browsers used
- Keep them forever or delete them whenever
- Created on the fly for immediate availability
- Destination URLs are checked against Google’s safe browsing site checker for viruses and malware
Are aub.ie links safe?
Yes, aub.ie links should be considered safe. All activity within the aub.ie system is logged, URLs are scanned for malicious content, and shortcuts are cross-referenced against a list of banned words. Individuals found to be violating the aub.ie Terms of Service will have their shortcuts removed and be prohibited from using the system. The eventual webpage that gets loaded may be out of the control of Auburn University so caution should be used when visiting any website that is unfamiliar to you.
Visit the aub.ie Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to more common questions.
How Do I Create an aub.ie link?
- Go to aub.ie
- From here, you can click "my aub.ie shortcuts" to view the shortcuts you have already created, and you can view FAQs.

- On this screen, you can insert a link that you wish to shorten. Type out the address to the link (or copy and paste the link) and click “shorten.”
- You will see the screen below. Here, you can add other admins and click "create" to create the link.

- From main aub.ie screen, you can manage the shortcuts you have already created by clicking "my aub.ie shortcuts."

- On this screen you have a few options.
- Edit the link
- See the analytics for that link
- Generate a QR code
- Delete the link
If you have any questions or issues with your your Aub.ie links please contact the OIT Service Desk at (334) 844-4944 or itservicedesk@auburn.edu.