1. If you have forgotten your Auburn University password, you can click on the "Forgot Password?" link on any page that requires you to log in to access an Auburn resource. This link will direct you to the MyAccount "Forgot Password" page, and if you have previously created self-help questions and answers, it will walk you through the process of resetting your password.
2. To reset your password after clicking "Forgot Password?", enter your Auburn username and Banner ID, and click the Next button. If you do not know this information, please call the IT Service Desk at (334) 844-4944.
3. On the next screen, you will have to enter your date of birth and correctly answer the security questions you had previously set up to verify your identity. Once you have answered the questions, click the Submit button. You will then be logged in to MyAccount, where you can reset your password.
If you need assistance, have not yet created your self-help questions and answers, or need a temporary password, please call the IT Service Desk at (334) 844-4944. The IT Service Desk will verify your identity and set a temporary password, allowing you to log in to MyAccount and set a permanent password of your choice.
Identify verification (valid photo ID) is handled via Zoom at aub.ie/sdhelp (Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CT) or in person (IT Service Desk, 3010 RBD Library).