Installing Box Drive

Box is a cloud content management and file-sharing service for businesses. Users can determine how their content can be shared with other users. Users may invite others to view and/or edit an account's shared files, upload documents and photos to shared files, upload documents and photos to a shared file's folder, and give other users rights to view shared files.

Only active students and employees have access to Box. For more information regarding Auburn alumni and Box accounts, visit the Knowledge Base article at For more information regarding Auburn retirees and Box accounts, visit the Knowledge Base article at

Your Auburn Box account can be accessed in the following ways:

Box Drive allows you to drag-and-drop files to a folder on your computer, which gets synced with the cloud version of Box.

Follow the steps below to install Box Drive on your computer:

1. Visit the Box Drive Installation Page.
Box drive installation page

2. Scroll down and select the download link that matches your computer type. If you do not know what kind of computer you have, or if you are prompted to enter administrator credentials, contact your IT Provider
Box download link

3. Run the installer that you download. (Note: If the download does not pop up, navigate to Box under Start/All Apps.) 

4. You will be presented with a Box login screen. Enter your email address and click Next.
Box login screen

5. Enter your Auburn username and password, authenticate, and click Login.
AU login credentials

6. Click the Take Tour button to learn more about Box Drive.
Box tour screen

7. Once you have installed Box Drive, you will have a folder for Box on your computer (Windows Explorer or Mac Finder).

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