Transfer data with AzCopy and Blob storage

Transfer data with AzCopy and Blob storage

AzCopy is a command-line utility that you can use to copy data to, from, or between storage accounts. This article contains example commands that work with Blob storage.

Get started

You will need to download the latest version of AZCOPY. This is found at

Get the Tenant ID

Go to your home page.

Go to More Services.

Go to the Tenant Properties

Find the Tenant Property Tenant ID



Open a command Prompt.


Enter in the command:

azcopy login --tenant-id=<tenant-id>


You will be asked to navigate to a site (EXAMPLE: 

At the site you will be prompted for a code to have access to the storage

You will now need to signin with your microsoft account

You should get a confirmation message next.

SAS Token

First navigate to the Storage Account. 

Scroll down until you get to Shared Access Signature(SAS.

You will now need to generate an SAS. You may need to select a allowed resource Type before you can actually generate an SAS

Now generate the SAS and copy it to your clipboard.


Open your cmd window

Enter in the follow command

azcopy copy

Now the source file(s) [NOTE THE QUOTES]

Followed by the Blob Service SAS URL [AGAIN NOTICE THE QUOTES]

You will get a log of actions

I would like to point out mapped network drives do work