This is a quick document for explaining the new Aver PTZ (Point, Tilt, Zoom) cameras and microphones that are installed in many of the 3rd Floor Haley Center Rooms. These cameras and microphones can be used as input devices for Zoom Meetings hosted from your account, or Panopto Recordings.
As of January 11, these rooms have enhanced room recording capabilities: All Mell Classrooms, Haley Rooms: 3182, 3203, 3212,3218,3220, 3224,3226,3238,3242,3304,3307,3309,3318,3324,3326,3328,3330,3332,3334, and 3353, Lowder 009, Lowder 124, Comer 207, Brown Kopel, Shelby 3210, Shelby 3129, Spidle Kitchen
After starting Zoom, use the Audio and Video Options to select the proper input device. Choose Line-In to use the room microphones as your audio input
and Select the AVER CAM520 Pro as the Video Input.
Before starting your meeting check the Audio Settings tab to test the room speakers and the Microphone input. Select Test Speakers and listen for music to play, then select Test Mic, say a couple words and your audio should play back if everything is working as it should.
Finally, use the Aver Remote control in the room to adjust the left or right position of the camera (<< and >>) and zoom in and out (+ and -).