Listed below are common reasons that you may not be able to connect to an Auburn wireless network.
Should you need assistance connecting to AU wireless networks, contact the IT Service Desk at (334) 844-4944 or
- Have you recently changed your password?
- If yes, then you may need to “forget” WiFi connections on all of your Auburn devices.
- Once forgotten, you can reconnect using your new password.
- The following Knowledge Base articles provide additional information:
- Student or Employment status
- Current faculty, staff, and students may connect to AU_WiFi or eduroam.
- Retired employees may connect to AU_WiFi or eduroam.
- AU_Open
- If your device is connected to AU_Open, you will be unable to connect to AU_WiFi or eduroam.
- Forget all Wi-Fi connections and reconnect.
- The following Knowledge Base articles provide additional information:
- Certificate
- Occasionally, Auburn will update certificates that control Authenticate. When this happens, you will be required to “accept” the new certificate on your device before you are able to connect wirelessly.
- If you have to accept a new certificate, you may also have to forget AU_WiFi or eduroam and reconnect.
- OS Updates for Mac and PC
- Hardware Issues
- If your WiFi adapter is not functioning properly, you may not be able to connect wirelessly.
- Check to see if you can you connect to other wireless networks.
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