Employees will request time off by using TigerTime. TigerTime is found in AU Access in the Employees section > Employee Services card or by navigating directly to autime.auburn.edu. Instructions for requesting time off can be found below (click on each image to have the image appear larger). For additional information and instructional videos, visit the TigerTime website developed by Human Resources.
1. Once logged into AU Access, under the Employee section > Employee Services card, click on the TigerTime icon.
2. Kronos, or TigerTime, will open in a new window. Under My Calendar, click the gear icon in the upper right corner and click Pop-out.
3. You are now in My Calendar. Here, you can view the current and previous pay periods. To submit your request, click Request Time Off.
4. A pop-up window will appear. In the pop-up window, select your start and end dates for the time off request.
5. Select your pay code for the type of leave you are taking or have taken.
6. Adjust the Start Time if necessary, and enter the Daily Amount of time off requested. In this example, we are submitting four hours of leave, so we entered 4.0 under daily amount. Click Submit.
7. To check and see if your leave request was submitted, locate the dates for which you have taken leave. Once submitted, your request is queued for supervisor approval.
For questions, email tigertime@auburn.edu , or visit auburn.edu/tigertime.