The Following Knowledge Base article documents the typical setup precess for Apple computers issued from the College of Liberal Arts. Click on the images to enlarge if needed.
Create Account Profile AUBURN Login Screen. When the computer is connected to a wired Ethernet computer anyone with an active Auburn account can sign in and create a profile account on the computer. When not connected to a wired connection a previously created profile can continue to be signed into using LOCAL LOGIN link at the bottom of the screen |
Your Auburn Email Address. When your Auburn password is updated annually, the new password will sync to this computer. | |
Enter you Auburn Password. When your Auburn password is updated annually, the new password will sync to this computer. | |
Join AU_WiFi Connect to AU_Wifi for those times you are not connected with an ethernet cable. Some Apple specific features like AirDrop requires an active WiFi connection. Only connect to AU_WiFi. |
Enter your Auburn User Account NAME (no and Password to access AU_WiFi on this computer. | |
Click OK to proceed | |
Click Continue | |
Enter your Auburn Password to trust the Certificate. | |
Setup Global Protect VPN Global Protect VPN Client is preinstalled on your computer. In the event you need to use a VPN Client, click on the Global Protect icon in the menu bar (globe icon), enter your Auburn User Name (no and Password then press Connect. The Address of the Auburn VPN is should you be prompted for that. Global Protect requires DUO 2 factor authentication. Check your phone for a DUO prompt to accept. |
Setting up the Outlook Client for Email Start the Outlook Client application on your computer. There are multiple ways to start the application: 1) click the Launchpad icon in the dock and scroll the apps left or right to location Microsoft Outlook to start the App. or, 2) Open the Finder Applications, then Applications, then Microsoft Outlook, or 3) Use the Mac search shortcut (Command + Space Bar) type Outlook, choose the Outlook Application and press enter to start the application. You can right click on the Outlook icon in the dock to keep the icon in the dock for later use. |
Enter your Email address | |
Choose the Work or School account | |
Outlook application can be used to manage your email mailboxes, contacts and calendar. Alternatively, you can choose to use the Web Version of the application at to manage your email from other computers in a web browser.
You are now licensed to use Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote and Teams on this computer. |
Setting up Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat DC (aka Pro) is preinstalled on your computer. Start the application. |
Adobe uses a named account to license the software. | |
Enter your Auburn email address then Continue | |
Choose Company or School Account option | |
Adobe, and many other applications use SSO (Single Sign On) to authenticate your account allowing use. The advantage of SSO is third parties like Adobe do not have to know your Auburn password to grant access. This screen is hosted on Auburn servers. When you authenticate here using your credentials, a token is passed to Adobe rather than your password granting you access to the software. | |
Signed in the Acrobat. If you have the full Creative Cloud package ($120 per year) use the Creative Cloud App in /Applicaitions to add additional components. | |
Setting up Box Drive Box Drive is preinstalled on your computer. It provides Cloud Storage to store your files to allow for safety and collaboration. Use the Box application to access your files stored in the Box Cloud and collaborate with others on your files. You can also access your Box files from any computer using web link This makes it easy to access files you may use in class from a classroom computer. |
Enter your email address | |
SSO Authentication | |
Box requires 2 factor authentication. Auburn uses the DUO application installed on your smart phone to provide a second (password is primary) means of authentication to sensitive files. | |
Setup Zoom Video Conferencing The Zoom Client is preinstalled on your computer. Start the Zoom Application to sign in to the service. |
Click Sign In | |
Use the Sign in with SSO to use the Auburn Licensed zoom account. Do not enter your email and Password in the Sign-In boxes on this screen. This is not a secure sign in and you may compromise your AUburn password entering it here. If you have a personal, paid or free zoom account outside of the university account then you would enter your Email and Password for that account. | |
SSO Authenticate to sign into Zoom. | |
That concludes the most frequently used applications at Auburn. The Dock contains shortcuts to applications installed on the computer. This dock can be customized by individual users to optimize their use of the computer. Adding shortcuts to the dock of your most frequently used applications is possible by removing shortcuts you do not need as often. | |
Click and drag shortcuts from the dock to remove them. Even they are away from the dock let go of the click and the shortcut will vaporize. The Application remains on the computer in the /Applications folder, only the shortcut is removed. Right clicking on the dock shortcut and choosing Options --> Remove from Dock will also remove the shortcut. | |
Shortcuts can also be dragged from the /Applications folder to the dock. The dock shortcuts can also be arranged on the dock by moving them with the cursor. | |
Other Optional Adjustments Most users prefer the tap to click be turned on when using a laptop trackpad. If save a lot of effort when clicking. Open System Settings, Trackpad to turn on Tap to Click. |
Other Optional Adjustments If your laptop is equipped with Touch ID open System Settings, Touch ID and Password to add your fingerprint to unlock the computer. |
Follow instructions to touch and lift your finder from the Touch ID | |
When your computer is not connected via an ethernet cable the Azure login screen will not appear. Use the Local Login to sign into the computer with your Auburn ID and Password. |