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Zoom Cloud Storage and Retention


2.0 - Updated on 04/03/2024 by Lindsey Adams

1.0 - Authored on 04/27/2023 by Lindsey Adams

Zoom Cloud Storage and Retention

In 2020, Zoom has become an indispensable tool in Higher Ed during the COVID pandemic. However, Auburn University does not have unlimited Zoom cloud storage. Due to this limitation, in order to provide access to the temporary storage space for everyone during the semester, we are encouraging you to download your recordings or remove what is not needed.

We are currently over our allotment for cloud storage. Thankfully, Zoom allows recording, but we must make changes to get under the allotted space. To maintain equitable access to everyone at Auburn, we will enable a 6-month retention policy. Recordings older than 180 days will be automatically moved to the trash in your account. This is not a permanent deletion! It will stay in the trash for up to 30 days if you need to recover and save your session for any reason. You will receive a notification from Zoom 7 days before your files will be permanently deleted from Trash.

screenshot, zoom notification email

Auburn’s video distribution platform is Panopto, which has unlimited storage and student-friendly features not available in Zoom. Panopto allows students to watch at .5x-2x speed, create time-stamped notes, and provide analytics and insights on how often and how long your students are watching the recordings. Finally, Panopto will “adaptive stream” the video so that each student will get the highest possible video quality for their available bandwidth.

Restoring Deleted Zoom Sessions

If recordings are moved to the trash, you may restore them within 30 days. However, we still recommend moving them to Panopto for long-term storage.

    1. In your Zoom Cloud Recordings, you will see the trash hyperlink if sessions have been deleted.
    2. Click on your trash hyperlink, and from there, you will have access to the current deleted Zoom sessions.
screenshot, select, trash
    1. Next to each session, there will be an option to recover or delete. Click recover, and it will move it back to your cloud recording tab, where you can download and save it to your computer.
screenshot, select, recover

Panopto-Zoom Integration

To help make this transition easier, we have rolled out a new integration between Panopto and Zoom! This integration will automatically copy any Zoom recording into a set destination folder within Panopto. You can automatically set your class recordings to be uploaded to the Canvas-Panopto folder.

Uploading Zoom Recordings to Panopto

If you prefer to choose when/what videos are uploaded to Panopto, then you can manually upload each recording to Panopto for long-term access during and after the semester’s end. To do so, log in to your Panopto account. From there you will be able to access the Create drop-down menu upload your Zoom recordings, and organize them by class in your folders section.

screenshot, select create, upload media

Saving Zoom Sessions

If you prefer to have a local copy, you may download any video for storage.

    1. After logging into your Zoom, click Recordings on the left.
    2. Choose the Cloud Recordings tab, then you can download individual recordings and save them to a different location.
screenshot, select, cloud recording
screenshot, select, more